About Us
Universal NLP Institute was found in 2017 by Toktam Gharai
She is the only NLP University Affiliate Farsi Speaker.
Toktam’s mission is to create and preserve a conscious community,
That can better the quality of their own lives and the next generation.
The Universal NLP Institute provides NLP Courses & Privet or Group
Coaching For individuals and Companies.
Toktam Gharai
Toktam Gharai studied NLP in Tehran. Since 2014, she started to teach NLP and held educational workshops. Toktam immigrated to the United States in spring 2015. She continued her NLP education in UCSC-NLPU, became NLPU Certified Master Trainer, and became a NLP Global Consultant and Trainers Group member. In 2016, NLPU added Iran at www.nlpu.com to list Toktam’s name on their website, and becuse of that Toktam is the first Farsi-speaking worldwide NLPU Affiliate partner.
Toktam’s mission is to create and preserve a conscious community, who can better the quality of their own lives and the future generations under of Universal NLP Institute.
International Trainer and Consulter of Neuro-Linguistic Programing
First and only Farsi speaker NLP University Authorized Trainer International Transformation Coach Member of Dilts Strategies Group.
Member of Global Trainer and ConsultantNLPunivwrsity Facilitator since Summer 2020 Certified NLP Coach and Master Trainer California, UCSC-NLPU, Trained by Robert Dilts, Judith DeLozier, Suzie Smith, Michael Colgrass, Sid Jacobs
Certified Organizational Development Coach (ODC)ICF
Certified Success Factor of Modeling (SFM)
Certified Successmindset Map Coach(MMC)
Certified Sales & Marketing Persuasion Engineering Trained by Richard Bandler
She presents Webinars and online workshops in California for all the Farsi speakers around the globe. All 2020 webinars Proceeds have been donate to develop schools for the children who live in undeveloped areas of Iran.

What Is NLP?
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that involves analyzing strategies used by successful individuals and applying them to reach a personal goal. It relates thoughts, language, and patterns of behavior learned through experience to specific outcomes.
Seminar And Workshop
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The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think.”
Gregory Bateson
In the system of nature, all creations exist to serve one another, this is a universal law.
Toktam Gharai.
I believe that NLP University Community plays a significant in making a difference in our way of thinking.
As a NLP Master Trainer who immigrated to another country, I stayed committed to my lifelong Mission to serve and give back, especially to the Persian community, and help them better the quality of their lives and live a fulfilled life with joy.
Therefore I have invited my fellow NLP Masters to join me in a beautiful collaborative work that I hope to change many lives for the better. The project is called “Universal Enlightenment.”
The Master Trainers share their NLP knowledge in a series of monthly Zoom webinars/NLP Virtual Mastermind Group to help others become more mindful and educated to better the quality of their lives and the future generations.
My intention is not only to help others to educate themselves about NLP. It is much much more…
All the funds collected from these classes are being used to renovate schools in the most underdeveloped locations in I.R.A.N “Sistan and Baluchestan “that are most in need of education.
I am grateful for the support of my fellow Master Trainers from all over the world to make this beautiful exchange energy circulation through the “Universal Enlightenment” project.
As attendees, you can purchase a one-year membership or just a single session.
I have dedicated a page on my website to this community, “NLP Masterminds Group.” To provide more detailed information about the project and make it possible for the attendees to connect.
Will you join us?
Book Your 20min Free NLP Consultation
Toktam is here from you if you feel coaching is right for you